New CIIC Directive
Madrid and Soria, Spain – May 22-26, 2017
The members of the Comité Internacional de Itinerarios Culturales (CIIC) of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), UNESCO advisory body, thank the promoters and sponsors of the Scientific Meeting and Annual Statutory Assembly for their reception and support, which made it possible to meet in the cities of Madrid and Soria, SPAIN, between the 22nd and 26th of May 2017.
The new president, Cecilia Calderón-Puente, appreciates the willingness to work as a team and points out that this new directive is a leap that the CIIC gives across the sea and that it is a new great effort that is required to be made. The proposed and approved new directive includes, as has always been done, experts from different continents trying to mix their skills in order to have a global view on CIIC’s work.
For the new CIIC management activity, six points were raised on which management will be based on:
1. New communication channels will be generated such as:
-Digital presence of CIIC in various media,
– New mail,
– New website
– Remote conferences
2. Attraction of new expert and/or young members
3. Continuous development of publications for which standards will be generated for the realization of contributions
to the committee
4. The tentative list of Cultural Itineraries will be continued
5. It will seek to increase CIIC’s presence with ICOMOS International
6. The CIIC has no resources and each member must assume certain activities to make it
El Comité Internacional de Itinerarios Culturales (CIIC) is one of ICOMOS International Scientific Committees.
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