Meeting Conclusions Chihuahua 2020


Meeting Conclusions MEXICO

Chihuahua, Chih. MEXICO – February 10-17, 2020

The members of the Comité Internacional de Itinerarios Culturales (CIIC) of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), UNESCO advisory body, express their appreciation to the promoters and sponsors of the Scientific Meeting “Living the Cultural Routes” for its friendly reception and extraordinary support, which made it possible to hold this scientific meeting in the city of Chihuahua, Chih. MEXICO, from 10 to 17 February, 2020.

Cultural Routes are the result of the cultural dynamics generated in the communication pathways over time and that at the time were intentionally designed and used by man to perform a precise and well determined function; therefore, they reveal the patrimonial content of a particular phenomenon of human mobility and well-specific and peculiar exchange. They comprise not only the physical means of communication that facilitated the flow, but also the cultural goods and material and intangible values uniquely associated with the specific objective and its historical functionality. With the participation of the expert members and applicants to the CIIC, who presented themselves at the recent meeting, we enriched the approach to the analysis of the tentative list of Cultural Routes, as well as considering a new vision towards this concept, which will lead to an impact on the immateriality of that good and will result in its materiality.

The event was attended by Dr. Toshiyuki KONO and Dr. Leonardo CASTRIOTA President and Vice-President of ICOMOS International respectively, thus ratifying the desire to improve the fluidity of communication and the promotion of projects of common interest before ICOMOS International.

With the redesign of our website, we have managed to reach audiences from different parts of the world and using academic supports from the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, we managed to obtain digital signal and Webex service that facilitated remote participation CIIC members and applicants from: Portugal, China and the United States.

The forthcoming scientific and statutory assembly meetings were defined in:
2020 – Sidney, Australia. Within the ICOMOS Annual General Assembly and supported by
Drs. Sandy Blair, Kirsty Altenburg and Timothy Hubbard, CIIC expert members.
b. 2021 – Santa Fe, New Mexico, EU. With the support of the Prof. Kaisa Barthulli, CIIC expert member
and the National Park Service
2022 – Florence, Italy. With the support of the Profa. Rosa Anna Genovesse, CIIC expert member
and the Foundation Romualdo Del Bianco

The CIIC Assembly, gathered in the city of Chihuahua, Chih. Mexico thus confirms the continuation of the conclusions of the Statutory Assembly held in Görlitz, Germany in 2018 and proposes:

  1. Improve training and integrate the collaboration of young professionals by encouraging research projects for the conservation of cultural heritage and for its transmission to the future, while valuing the local community and their traditions.
  2. Drive analysis of existing cultural routes around the world from a critical view based on the scientific method considering from analysis, diagnosis and procedure.
  3. Maintaining the concept and delving into the meaning of the authenticity of the cultural routes as it relates to the authenticity of the tangible and intangible.
  4. Promote knowledge for resilience to climate change, especially Cultural Routes that are particularly vulnerable.
  5. Deepen strategies for cross-cutting work between CIIC and other Scientific Committees
  6. Promote among the National Committees, the incorporation of young members and promote their membership in the International Scientific Committees in this case, the CIIC.